
Due to their natural and beneficial qualities, elk antlers have recently gained popularity as a treat for dogs. These antlers come from elk, which are mostly found in North America and are deer family members. They are renowned for having sturdy antlers that are great for dogs to gnaw on

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Everyone happily agrees that cooking is its own art form. People do not regularly acknowledge, however, the art of survival cooking. Not yet, anyway.  Survival cooking can also be referred to as primitive cooking. This simply means cooking without modern-day luxuries like gas or electricity.  Survival cooking is an important

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We live in a plastic world, where almost everything we own is made from materials that cannot be composted. Instead, when we eventually throw our broken and used items in the rubbish, they end up in landfill to live for millions of years exactly as we left them. Although this

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If you are looking to spend more time outdoors surrounded by nature, then camping can be a great way to do this. There are a number of reasons why camping is beneficial for mental health and wellbeing, including the escape from your daily routine and sense of freedom that can

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Surviving in the wilderness means more than knowing what to bring. Although flashlights, compasses, and extra food are essential items to pack with you, you also need to bring your knowledge. Knowing how to build a shelter, make a fire, and find non-poisonous food will help you survive when you’re

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There are many benefits that come with hiking regularly, but it can be a little overwhelming to know how to start and begin experiencing these mental and physical improvements. This is a complete guide to hiking, including recommended equipment, how to begin, and other essential tips. Whether you want to

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Introduction Historically, preppers have been seen as people who are hyper aware of the environmental situation and the role that they play in being ready for natural disasters. Most of the time it’s important to have an extra storage of food essentials, medicine, and water in case of an emergency

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Every day carry (EDC) items involve the essential items you carry on a daily basis. These are usually limited to what can be physically carried on a person or in a small bag or organizer, but the term EDC may sometimes be extended to everyday preparedness items and may be

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An essential survival skill that everyone should learn how to do is to start a fire. In a survival situation, being able to start a fire can save your life, and it can often mean the difference between life and death. The most obvious reason for needing a fire is

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If you are the type of person that carries around a medical first aid kit when they go on adventures, then a SAM splint would make a great addition to your kit.They are really handy to have available to you just in case of an emergency, and if you like

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Survival is not about being fearless. It’s about making a decision, getting on and doing it - Bear Grylls An old SEAL buddy of ours once told us that it’s not a matter of if society is going to plunge into disarray and disharmony, but when the final collapse is all

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The only easy day was yesterday - Navy SEALS motto You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that the world is becoming increasingly more volatile every day. Even though most of the chaos, upheaval, and unrest seems like it’s somewhere far from here, the chances are, that

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If you are preparing for the worst and you, like many others, believe that the end is coming, then you will want to do everything in your power to be prepared for it. You might have what seems like endless supplies of food and water, and everything else that you

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Making a shelter out of tarp is one of the easiest ways of creating a shelter in a survival situation. When you are out in the wild with limited resources, a tarp is one of the most useful materials to have with you. Building a shelter can be really difficult,

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If you were to go back in time a few hundred years ago, people would have been able to start a fire with ease and precision. But, now, in the twenty-first century, we so used to technology, having lighters or matches on hand that very few people know what to

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If you are new to the prepping world, or if you have been prepping for several years, you will know the importance of stockpiling food. Other than a good water supply, your food supply is one of the first things you need to take into consideration. After all, what good is

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Whether you are preparing for the end of the world as we know it, or you are curious as to what you should do in an emergency situation, you might be considering how to build an underground bunker. There are a few ways of doing so in terms of materials,

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If you are looking into prepping, you will have quickly realized that it is not a cheap thing to do. While it is brilliant to be prepared if anything were to go wrong, the planning does take time. Not only can prepping be time-consuming, but the building up of resources

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Being able to build a long-term survival shelter might seem like a simple task, but without the right skills and knowledge, it can be much more difficult than you might think. However, it is a great skill to have in an emergency situation, so you can keep yourself safe and

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